We feel in this moment it’s important to go on record about what we stand for.

If you’re Māori, a Pacific Person, Black, or a person of colour, we want you to know that this is a place that you are safe, seen, and valued; where your rights will be protected and fought for; and where you will not have to defend your humanity and worth.

We want to add our voices to those demanding change, in the hopes that those voices together successfully redefine what society considers normal and acceptable, which in turn leads to long term, fundamental changes in society. We will continue to listen, learn, and do the work of being actively anti-racist and effective allies.

We know that we have a lot of work to do as individuals and as a business. We also know that we will get it wrong and we welcome feedback about how we’re doing. In addition please feel free to let us know here, or via any of our communication options, what you need from us to make this a safe and enjoyable space.

These are some of the values that we hold dear. We’ve now added a mission and values statement to our site in order to be be open and forthright about what matters to us. We hope these things matter to you, too.

Aroha nui

Ruth and Joy

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